- Submissions by Ray Sacks to the Inquiry representing, formally 25 named people and the Crystal Palace Campaign - also contains submission by Peter Austin and the original CPC response to the Call In letter

- LISTINGS status of Crystal Palace Park and its bits
- Photo-report of work continuing on Crystal Palace Sation - 29 May 2009 by Ray Sacks
- Routemaster articles - (catch-up, Dec 2008) : Just the ticket for Hard Times - You wait ages for a new Routemster to turn up....
- What Happens Next? LDA view (late 2008)
- Don't neglect 'wonderful' Crystal Palace Park; a view from Val Shawcross
- RECYCLING - new link to an interesting website
- Picture Report - NSC refurbishment
- Government Office of London - call in Master Plan : Read their letter.....
- Read information on the grounds for call-in...
- CPC accounts to May 2008
- Archive - GREETINGS 2008/9 and bulletin: (bulletin December 08)
- INAUGURATION of the Crystal Palace Corner - picture report by Ray Sacks 13 June 2008
- Crystal Palace Corner Project - picture report 1 June 2008 - by Ray Sacks
Park hosts Crystal Palace replica - BBC news 31 May 2008
- Letters to journals
- Link to Master Plan page updated: includes FAQ page and a descritpion of the planning process
- Link to Sydenham Town Website: one of the better local sites with lots of history content.
- Governance: the Park Working Group is now beginning to tackle the question of park governance. Governance models abound and each park has differences which might lead to different governance methods. Nevertheless, one important feature is to ensure that the community has a say in park affairs - this is the last remaining formal item (No. 4) in the Crystal Palace Campaign's "Core Principles".
- Olympic Training Grounds Named
Manor College - Crystal Palace
Park - a
visit by the Park Working Group, 9 February
2008: A very impressive set-up run by people who
are experts and care for the animals from
centipede to llama size! I spoke to several
people walking in the park who were disappointed
by the delayed opening and would have loved to
take their children into the
compound....Come on
DEFRA. only a licence stands between the new
College, its animals and the public! Take a look at
a picture record of the visit... |

- Crystal Palace Corner
Project - notes from John Greatrex 22/1/08
- The Victorians - what they did
for us: exhibition 22 July, Peterborough Museum
- Capel Manor - Steve Dowbiggin Receives OBE
- Environmental
Impact Assessment
(EIA) -
Waterman Environmental 10 December 2007; summary
presented to the Park Working Group by Elin Thomas and
Emily Low [.pdf file 29 pages,
- Masterplan
Strategy -
produced on behalf of the LDA by Laura Samuels - Brent
Design Unit September 2007 [.pdf file 87 pages,
1.25 Mb]
- List of
Consultants - a huge amount of work has gone into
investigating the current state of Crystal Palace Park
and providing important background material for
developing a regeneration strategy - this list of
consultants indicates (more or less) who did what.
- eBulletin December 2007 - where to find the planning application - Bromley Planning case
- NSC - catchup item:
Press release LDA Setember 2007 - NSC
- Some useful web links have been added - go to WEBSITES. Note that in
providing these links, the Campaign does not necessarily
endorse the website contents.
- Crystal Palace Park - London Development
Association link
- Crystal Palace Park - Local Dialogue and Master
Planners link
- NEW Crystal Palace Project - link to "rebuild the
Crystal Palace group"
- John Logie Baird - Walkabout
Crystal Palace Park and Exhibition - last chance
- Some notes on the MASTERPLAN
EXHIBITION - includes link to Video - voices from the
- Where are they now? - hardly worth tracking the old
enemy. Nevertheless, here's what one of them got up to... Private Eye
- The
Park TALKS - video
- PARK NEWS 5: section - summary of what's planned for
the Park. An astonishing array of items which constitute
most of the Master Plan for
the Park.
- Statement
of Accounts to May 2007 - link to Themes.
- Transport for London's SURVEY on possible routes for
the proposed tramlink has been completed and the results
- Beckenham
History Website - link: Beckenham
History "Today's memories and photographs will become the
history of tomorrow." Great pictures and super
START(2) - added plan of the area; go to A
New Start - Link to Plan (bottom of that page).
- Renovation of the
NSC: recently ,
last week, the pool equipment (I believe) suffered
another breakdown indicative of the parlous state of the
infrastructure of the building. The LDA announced that
they had decided on a course of action. This followed
extensive discussions with the Dialogue Process, Park
Working Group (PWG) - this press release (which had been
available on the LDA website) has now been put in easy
reach - another example of how 'things are moving' in the
Park: read
- Since environmental issues are of special interest to
park visitors, the Planning Policy Guideline for NOISE (PPG-24) has been
added here with a link to parliament sites.
- A NEW START - May 2007 - changes in the Park - removal of
concrete begins...
Congratulations to this specialist educational charity.
Soon the animals will be back in the park. Read
- also - the "Fortress Entrance" - just behind Crystal Palace
Station is on the way out - another great planning
approval! Read
- "Sale of the Century" - sale catalogue of the Crystal
Palace dating from 1911 acquired by the RHS - article and
additional comments from this editor

- Items in the what's
been added section archived
- Collected various
statements on EIA issue (newly collated)
- The
seasons' greetings (2006_2007) page, as with former
greetings pages, is now in the Archive

- We
are currently updating our email lists - please let us
know if you or your friends want to receive bulletins
from the Campaign from time to time - send us your email
address (we are registered under the Data Protection
- The House of Lords judgement in
the "Barker Case" has been given this morning - no
comments just yet, but here is the whole

- Mayor
of London meets PWG 11 October
2006 - notes on
meeting with Ken Livingstone at the City Hall. Following
the postponement of the building of a new NSC until after
the Olympic Games - this came as a surprise to members of
the Park Working Group - an exchange of correspondence
with the Mayor followed which ended in a meeting at the
City Hall on 11th Octonber 2006. The notes report the
main points of the meeting after which participants were
satisfied with the dialogue but realised that the delay
moved into a timing where gurantees couldn't be
- A
Whiff of Archaeology in the
Air - notes and
a proposal for an Archaeological study of the site of the
Crystal Palace - by Ray Sacks (Webmaster: the article
contains a number of pictures which may be a bit slow to
download for dial-up internet users; apologies for that,
it is sometimes difficult to balance between download
time and fuzzy pictures....)